Friday, February 17, 2012

Looking Ahead

We've been at our current duty station in Sunny So CA for a year and a half now so it's time to start thinking about our next locale.  There are many pieces to the puzzle - too many to start posting about here and now.  The problem is I don't like change, I know, kind of a bad personality trait for a Navy wife.  Some women I know love the thrill of the move.  At the two year mark these women get itchy and ready to  pack boxes.  I however, start to panic.  My heart starts to take over for my head forcing my head to go to places it really shouldn't.  Will my kids be happy?  Will we find the right school, the right church, the right house?  Will I make friends?  Boohoo, poor me, right?  Really, the house is only walls, the home is the family.

Our home in Washington

This time my desire is to flip the switch.  To be excited for change and to accept that we will land where God wants us (which is what has happened all along).  We pray for guidance every time we move, this time I am adding acceptance to my prayer.  God, my husband, my girls (and our nutso dog), aren't those the important factors?  With God's help can't we make any house a home, any school the best, any church a blessing?

Pre trick or treat outside our home in California

We can!  We will.  I think part of my journey with this blog will be to hold myself accountable to that plan (nothing like seeing it "in print" to be a steady reminder).  I know it won't always be easy for me to remember, sometimes my crazy will sneak up on me.  Tears will flow but this time I really do want to enjoy the ride.  I also want to enjoy our last year (or so) here.  It's important to be current, to live in the moment.  To see God's working in our daily life.  To remember that every day is a gift!!

Awesome reminder on my wall found at

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